Levanto ~ 3000m

The communal forest for the campesino community of Levanto is located at 3000m just 5km from Chachapoyas. The site includes a mixture of forest and scrub normally associated with treeline at higher elevations. We camp in a rustic cabin owned by the community and work within the communal forest and a network of nearby forest fragments.

Huiquilla ~ 2600-3000m

This beautiful tract of cloud forest is protected by the Huiquilla Private Conservation Area located in Choctomal en route to the Kuelap Fortress. We live in a comfortable bunkhouse next to the forest and are taken care of by the reserve's caretakers.
Pomacochas ~ 2500m

We work in a network of forest fragments near the town of Pomacochas and its spectacular laguna. A local family generouly allows us to work in their forests and hosts us in their farmhouse.

Palmeras de Ocol ~ 2300m

The Private Conservation Area Las Palmeras de Ocol near Molinopampa hosts the world's largest stand of Ceroxylen palms and extensive tracts of primary cloud forest. Members of the local womans' association manage the reserve and host us at their houses and chakras.

Corosha ~ 1900-2300m

We work within several forests and fragments in the community of Beirut, Corosha. We also did a small expedition to the community's Private Conservation Area of Hierbabuena-Allpayacu, a seven hour hike into remote cloud forest. Members of the local womens' collective put us up and provide meals.

Venceremos ~ 1600-1800m

The Bosque de Proteccion Alto Mayo generously lets us stay at its ranger station of Venceremos on the cordillera's eastern slope.

Future Sites

We plan to initiate work at several additional sites in 2016 & 2017, including the Private Conservation Areas of Berlin (Bagua), Copallin (Cordillera Colan), and Abra Patricia, as well as forests near Granada, Atumpampa, and Molinopampa.


The project is based out of Chachapoyas, the capital of Amazonas and the regional transportation hub. It is a beautiful old Andean city that has preserved both its historical culture and relaxed atmosphere.